Entry Details

Tim Jensen

My name is Tim. My wife (Lisa) and I saw Garth for the first time in the early 90's with friends in Sacramento. We had the most AMAZING time! From the moment Garth hit the stage we were hooked. Garth fans for life! My wife has been (in her eyes) his #1 fan. She has had a burning desire to be able to meet Garth from day one and has yet to have the opportunity. We have seen Garth 5 times over the years and going to our sixth next weekend. We have entered many contests for the opportunity to meet Garth to no avail so far. Meeting Garth is the #1 item on my wife's bucket list. It would be absolutely amazing to see her life long dream come true. There is no one more deserving to me than her. She is a wonderful, loving, caring wife, mother and friend. She always goes the extra mile to make sure everyone around her is happy and always puts others priorities ahead of her own. She loves Trisha as well (we all do) and religiously watches her show. the opportunity to meet both Garth and Trisha would be over the top for sure. It would mean a lot to me to see this happen. This may be the last chance we get to try. Thank you for the opportunity to make this dream come true!

Every time we see Garth it creates a special memory for us. Garth is such an amazing man. Down to earth with a heart of gold. So humble, loving and truly cares about not only his fans but everyone. I remember the concerts we went to before he went on hiatus (that's what I like to call it) to be with his kids to see them grow up and be there for them in the most important years of their lives. Back when he was flying over the crowd, real fire and rain on stage. Hands down the best entertainer ever! There just is no better. I also will never forget the concert when the best seats we could get were waaaay up high against the wall. The second Garth hit the stage, I was on my own. My wife was gone... Down to the floor to be as close to Garth as she could be. But I didn't mind because well, she just loves this man. Heck I'm not gonna lie, SO DO I ! More recently in Las Vegas just this year. My wife made some signs for Garth to read as it was her 50th Birthday. The first one had a pic of a Birthday cake that read:
"My 50th Birthday, Bucket List, Meet Garth". The 2nd said: "Want to be my date for James Taylor in Fresno?!" I don't remember which sign she was successful with but he held his hands to his heart after reading it. She was so excited because that was the closest she had ever come to communicating with him. And I must admit, it brought a tear to my eye to see her excitement.