I have the name of a famous country singer. With a name like mine you'd think I grew up living and breathing country music. It couldn't be further from the truth. I grew up with a father that hated country, and a mother who would listen to some dead country guy every now and again while in the car. Journeying into country music is something that didn't happen to me until I was 20. It was mostly because of my girlfriend who loves Garth Brooks. In fact, her entire family are what I would call fanatics. You're probably wondering why I'm telling you all this backstory, but it's because of the importance this holds in my life. Country music, more importantly Garth Brooks, has changed my life. In some of my darkest moments, I was with my girlfriend and her family, and Garth's music would be playing. His music would change my mood in way's that other music wouldn't. Finally I was able to go to his show in San Diego, and it was definitely the best live show I had ever seen. It was one of the more amazing moments in my life. I don't have an amazing lead up, or amazing ending. I just have many memories and a new family that is all influenced by Garth Brooks. In 1992 my girlfriend was conceived after a Garth Brooks concert. So I have Garth to thank for her, and her to thank for Garth. I have Garth to thank for turning my life around, because while most of the credit does go to my girlfriend and her amazing example of a family, Garth influenced that heavily. Without him my girlfriend might not be here now. Garth Brooks changed my life in a way no one else could. He helped create the family I know and love, he helped me understand what a good family is, and he helped me get through bad times. He's almost like god with the whole being there in good times and bad, he's even in multiple places at once including whenever kiss country plays him on the radio! All jokes aside, Garth has had a huge impact on my life in just a couple years, and that's awesome. I am so grateful for that.