Matt decided during his hour commute home that he wanted to propose. Once he makes up his mind, that's it, can't stop him! That's just what he did that December night. Matt had built me a cabinet at work, and coincidentally was bringing it home that day. After a pit stop at the jeweler, Matt set the new piece of furniture down on the living room floor. I began to inspect the new piece.
With my back to him he asked, "Is it up to your standards?", to which I replied, "ehh" (I like to mess with him). He proceeded to ask, "Am I up to your standards?", followed by my response of "Ehhhh" again. I turned around to see Matt down on one knee, ring in hand. I was shocked. Completely.
I never in my wildest dreams expected, while folding laundry on a random Wednesday, that I was about to answer the most important question of my life. It wasn't extravagant, but it was us. It was perfect.