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Mazda 3 Give Away

I am nominating my mother, Darlene Smith. Darlene has always given her time and energy to everyone around her. Raising 6 kids I'm not sure how she could find the time for much else. Mom went back to school to get her degree and managed to become a RN, she ran 2 volunteer fire depts. and worked in Ky until we moved to Florida. She got hired at the hospital, where she spent the next 15yrs treating patients with love/compassion, she was also a teacher. Now she is retired and gives all of her time to her grandkids. This would be her first new car, she's worked hard, this would be a dream come true

Mom worked hard while we were growing up. I remember the nights she wasn't home because she got stuck on graveyards. She never complained and we never knew just how tired she really was. She was giving and kind and did whatever she could to make sure we had everything we needed. I can't thank her enough for all that she has done not only for myself and my siblings, but for my children, and all of her grandkids. Now that she is retired she is caregiver for her mom and dad, she cooks for them each and every day, again making sure that everyone else's needs are met.